Friday, October 29, 2010

It's been a while!

Grandma with Elias Aeraci with Papa and Nana Emma
Amy K with Elias and Me

Audrie, Moriah, Aeraci and Me

A lot has happened since my last post. Elias tested his wings for the first time as he joined Aeraci and mommy on his first trip to Washington. We flew out the beginning of September to pick up Nanna and help her drive back. Nanna ended up staying in Washington, so we flew home at the end of the month, but not before we had some fun!

While home, Elias met his grandma and grandpa, papa, nanna Emma,aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles, cousins and friends. Our first stop was Seattle, where we met Audrie, Ryan and Moriah. We had a great time with them, and Moriah and Aeraci had lots of fun playing together. While there, we were able to see our good friend AmyK while we did some shopping:)

During the rest of our trip, we saw numerous friends and family. Aeraci had a good time playing with her cousin Austin. They got along great and are very protective of their respective siblings. Grandma and Grandpa spoiled us and Papa and Nanna Emma came up from Oregon to see the kids. We made several trips to Spokane and were able to visit Uncle Lloyd, Aunt Janet and meet Marks new baby Cole.

I was exhausted by the end of the trip, as traveling with a 2 year old and a 2 month old for over 14 hours in airports and on airplanes! We slept for the better part of 2 days afterwards!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Nap Time

The other day I put Aeraci down for a nap and heard her playing in her room. Usually she falls asleep after awhile, but this time it sounded like she was destroying her room (which she did). When I opened the door this is what I found. She had her purse, keys, piano, necklace and big girl panties on her head, as she proudly said "Aeraci hat". She was ready to go to town!!

Around the House

First pair of overalls
Little Man~

Life has found a new normal in the Owens household. Nanna left in July, so I have been chasing the kids around all day, well just the one for now:) Aeraci is running all over the place, with mommy chasing after her, cleaning up the mess! She is talking all the time now, and will give you a play by play commentary for the whole day. " Aeraci...sit..chair" "Mama dropped it",
" Baby yippups" aka hiccups! Those are just a few of what I hear all day!

Elias is growing up way to fast. He is 7 weeks now, and I can hardly believe it. He is growing quickly, and is wearing 0-3 months and filling out the length quite well. I think Aeraci will become his big, little sister not too long from now. He has started cooing, and I have even caught a couple of smiles. He is a great baby! He hardly ever cries and loves to cuddle with mommy....sorry daddy! He has become my little man.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fun at the Water Park

Aeraci loves the water, so Moday we took her to the water park at Killens Pond State Park. They have kiddie pools, slides and fountains for all ages. Aeraci's favorite was the frog slide. It took her a couple of times to get comfortable with it, but after she made it down the first time, all we heard was "again". Elias spent his time lounging in the shade.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

State Fair

Yesterday we took the kids to the state fair, which is smaller than the county fair back home. While we were there, we visited the animals, which Aeraci loved. She knows most of her animals, and all the sounds to go with them. Her favorite animal at the fair was the baby chicks. She was able to pet them and that made her day. In addition to all the animals, we also went to the circus. Yes, there was a circus at the fair! To our surprise, Aeraci was mesmerized. She enjoyed watching all the acts, including the tight rope walker. Elias was not as excited about his time at the fair, as he slept through the whole thing!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Elias Walter Owens

Elias Walter Owens entered our lives on July 2, 2010 at 2:40a.m. weighing 7.5lbs and 20.5in. long. Elias, pronounced (E -LY-IS) which means God is my Salvation, has been a welcomed addition to our family. Aeraci loves her baby brother, and always wants to give him hugs and kisses. It has been an easy transition bringing Elias into our family and we are so blessed to have him in our lives.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Aaron's Home!!!!!

Aaron came home last night from his 4 month deployment in Kyrgyzstan last night! Aeraci and I were able to meet him at the plane . We went out to the flightline with our ear protection, and to my surprise Aeraci kept hers on! She also carried a little flag she held proudly. When we saw daddy she was so excited!! She did not hesitate going to him, though she was quiet as a mouse. It is so good to have Aaron home.

Today Aeraci is following daddy around as if she was his shadow. Her verbal skills have suddenly reappeared as she walks around saying "daddy", "daddy". After 4 months, we are finally reunited as a family:)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pee Pee in the Potty!

Today Aeraci went pee pee in the potty for the first time!!!! Yay! She also went poo poo. It's hard to believe my little girl is growing up. She is very excited about the potty and usually tells me when she has to go. We started wearing big girl training pants today, so we'll see how that goes. We went to Target today and Aeraci got to pick out her "potty toy". She got a new toy laptop that she is very excited about.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Aeraci's Swimming Lessons

During this past month, Aeraci has been taking a swimming class with mommy. She loves it! Aeraci is like a fish in water, she loves to splash, swim, float, and play in the water. We look forward to swim lessons every week.

When she's not in the water, Aeraci loves to roam around the house with her shopping cart, cuddle her baby doll, build with her legos and give mommy lot's of kisses.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's a Boy

It's official, we are having a baby boy! I'm 20 weeks now and the ultra-sound confirmed that there is no doubt we are having a baby boy this summer. This means lot's of shopping for clothes! Aeraci's loves babies and her new word is "brother".

Winter Wonderland

Helping mom clean the house

We have been trapped in the house most of the last week because we have had two blizzards grace us with more than 3 feet of snow!!! School was cancelled all week, so now we are adding day onto the summer. I have enjoyed the extra time with Aeraci. We have been fingerpainting, making rice krispy treats, coloring and playing in the snow. Being locked in the house has also given me the opportunity to get some projects done that have been on the back burner.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


I took this video the other day of Aeraci slurping up noodles. We made pasta, and Aeraci loved it. She could not get enough noodles. She slurps them up as quick as she can get them.

This past weekend we got about 6 inches of snow, and that's Aeraci's new word "know", she has a hard time with the "s". She loves playing in it, and feeling the cold on her face, though she confuses cold with "hot".

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blowing Kisses

Aeraci's always giving hugs and kisses sthat make my day. Here is a video clip of her blowing kisses!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Life on the GO

Life has been very busy as of late, so I have not taken the time to blog. Aeraci is walking all over the house and talking more. Some of her new words are "hi", "ice", "truck" and one word she picked up "somewhere" that we're hoping she'll soon forget "s..t"!

Aaron is doing well, one month into deployment. I'm crazy busy with work, biblestudies and our newest venture swimming lessons with Aeraci. We joined the YMCA a couple weeks ago and aside from pumping iron and lot's of cardio, Aeraci and I are started a mommy and me swimming class once a week. She loves splashing and clapping in the water, and it's great to experience that with her.

As for my pregnancy, it's going great. We're nearly 18 weeks into it and the baby is starting to move frequently:) Almost half-way there!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Aeraci's going everywhere now!

Since Aeraci has started walking, she is going everywhere now! This past couple weeks she has really progressed in many things. She can now fully feed herself with a spoon, she is talking much more, not to mention walking everywhere:) Aeraci has even started the beginning stages of potty training!!! When she goes potty in her diaper, or when you change her she'll say "Yuck", and right before she goes she'll say "uh oh". Our little girl is growing us so fast.

I started teaching this week. Although I enjoy being back in the classroom, I miss Aeraci. I'm only on day 2, but so far everything is going good.