Nanna Emma and Papa with Elias over their Christmas/New Years visit
Aeraci flying high in "daddy's airplane!)
Elias all smiles
I don't keep this blog up to date as much as I'd excuse, a very busy 2 1/2 year old and and 6 1/2 meonth old. Aeraci is still in my favorite stage thus far...pottytraining:( Note the sarcasm). We have had ups and downs with it, but all the way around I feel like it will never end! Elias is getting big...literally! At his 6 month checkup, he was 19lbs, that's the size Aeraci was at a year! He just started rolling over last week, and he is cooing, cawing, and experimenting with baby food.
I try and keep my sanity most days, but am enjoying being a mom and loving my two wonderful children. Theese past couple of months have been a whirl with family visiting us over the holidays.