Monday, August 23, 2010

Nap Time

The other day I put Aeraci down for a nap and heard her playing in her room. Usually she falls asleep after awhile, but this time it sounded like she was destroying her room (which she did). When I opened the door this is what I found. She had her purse, keys, piano, necklace and big girl panties on her head, as she proudly said "Aeraci hat". She was ready to go to town!!

Around the House

First pair of overalls
Little Man~

Life has found a new normal in the Owens household. Nanna left in July, so I have been chasing the kids around all day, well just the one for now:) Aeraci is running all over the place, with mommy chasing after her, cleaning up the mess! She is talking all the time now, and will give you a play by play commentary for the whole day. " Aeraci...sit..chair" "Mama dropped it",
" Baby yippups" aka hiccups! Those are just a few of what I hear all day!

Elias is growing up way to fast. He is 7 weeks now, and I can hardly believe it. He is growing quickly, and is wearing 0-3 months and filling out the length quite well. I think Aeraci will become his big, little sister not too long from now. He has started cooing, and I have even caught a couple of smiles. He is a great baby! He hardly ever cries and loves to cuddle with mommy....sorry daddy! He has become my little man.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fun at the Water Park

Aeraci loves the water, so Moday we took her to the water park at Killens Pond State Park. They have kiddie pools, slides and fountains for all ages. Aeraci's favorite was the frog slide. It took her a couple of times to get comfortable with it, but after she made it down the first time, all we heard was "again". Elias spent his time lounging in the shade.